by Andy Andy
duminică, 22 martie 2015
duminică, 8 martie 2015
Shopping list for a Healthy life!
Hello everybody,
Due to a lot of request from my friends, I have decided to start writing about my diet and what I eat in order to have a healthy lifestyle and be fit all year round.
Today I will be covering the answer to that question that I get all the time "What do you eat?"
To make it more clear I am following a high protein diet and I make sure to have around 5-6 smaller meals a day. Your body needs protein in order to support your muscle functions even dough you do not workout, to calculate your necessary protein intake for your body weight you can use the calculator from I don't eat bread or wheat products, pasta, pizza you name it, dairies are fats and they get stored as fats :) so highly not recommended with a few exceptions like cottage cheese that has a high source of protein.
My Shopping basket includes mainly:
MEATS-PROTEIN: Chicken breast, Turkey breast, Tuna cans in water, Red meat, White fish meat like Sea Bream, Sea Bass, Salmon (but not to often), Shrimps, Ostrich steak, Egg whites.
VEGGIES- CARBS: Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Gorgette, Butternut, Pumpkin, Quinoa, Zucchini, Kale, Tomato, Cucumber, Beans, Chickpeas, Cabbage, Carrots, Garlic, Sweet potato, Plenty of green salads, Oats, Fruits high in antioxidants like Berries, Pineapple, Apples, Bananas.
HEALTHY FATS: you can take them from nuts, avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil.
The less cooked the better for the veggies, and no deep fried or pan fried for your meats keep it simple a grill pan its your best investment same a steamer for veggies.
I hope you find the information the useful, stay tune there is more dietary tips to come and soon I will start posting my workouts as well!
And if you want rock solid abs like these EAT CLEAN, STAY LEAN!
Due to a lot of request from my friends, I have decided to start writing about my diet and what I eat in order to have a healthy lifestyle and be fit all year round.
Today I will be covering the answer to that question that I get all the time "What do you eat?"
To make it more clear I am following a high protein diet and I make sure to have around 5-6 smaller meals a day. Your body needs protein in order to support your muscle functions even dough you do not workout, to calculate your necessary protein intake for your body weight you can use the calculator from I don't eat bread or wheat products, pasta, pizza you name it, dairies are fats and they get stored as fats :) so highly not recommended with a few exceptions like cottage cheese that has a high source of protein.
My Shopping basket includes mainly:
MEATS-PROTEIN: Chicken breast, Turkey breast, Tuna cans in water, Red meat, White fish meat like Sea Bream, Sea Bass, Salmon (but not to often), Shrimps, Ostrich steak, Egg whites.
VEGGIES- CARBS: Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Gorgette, Butternut, Pumpkin, Quinoa, Zucchini, Kale, Tomato, Cucumber, Beans, Chickpeas, Cabbage, Carrots, Garlic, Sweet potato, Plenty of green salads, Oats, Fruits high in antioxidants like Berries, Pineapple, Apples, Bananas.
HEALTHY FATS: you can take them from nuts, avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil.
The less cooked the better for the veggies, and no deep fried or pan fried for your meats keep it simple a grill pan its your best investment same a steamer for veggies.
I hope you find the information the useful, stay tune there is more dietary tips to come and soon I will start posting my workouts as well!
And if you want rock solid abs like these EAT CLEAN, STAY LEAN!
sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2011
Masca Regeneratoare Pentru Parul Deteriorat!
INGREDIENTE: 1 Masca Kallos cu Placenta - 500 ml, Ulei de ricin 50 ml, Ulei de masline 50 ml.
Costa in jur de 13 lei.
Uleiul de ricin se poate gasi la orice magazin de produse naturiste si costa la flacon de 50 ml aproximativ 6 lei. |
MOD DE PREPARARE: se adauga cei 50 ml de ulei de ricin si cei 50 ml in flaconul cu masca Kallos si se amesteca bine, in prealabil este bine sa aveti grija la volumul flaconului si inainte de a turna uleiurile sa o folositi o data sau de doua ori pentru a nu da pe afara, si gata!!!! aceasta compozitia va poate ajunge pana la 3 luni depinde cat de multa folositi, eu recomand aplicarea ei cel putin 1 data pe saptamana.
MOD DE APLICARE: se aplica pe parul ud in prealabil tamponat cu un prosop pentru a inlatura excesul de apa (atentie daca nu aplicati pe parul ud acesta se va spala mai greu din cauza uleiurilor), se aplica masca pe tot parul inclusiv la radacina, se tine 30 min pe par si se spala normal.
BENEFICII: Un par stralucitor, matasos care va creste mai repede din cauza beneficiilor minunatului ulei de ricin!
Sper sa va fie de folos postarea!
miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011
Masca de argila pentru tenul cu probleme!
Masca de argila pentru tenul cu probleme!
INGREDIENTE: Argila, Ulei de Arbore de Ceai, Extract de Propolis, Lamaie.
Argila - AslaVital. |
Ulei de Arbore de Ceai -Body Shop ( se gaseste deasemenea si in orice magazin de produse naturiste). |
Extract de Propolis se gaseste la orice magazin de produse naturiste. |
MOD DE PREPARARE: Se amesteca 2 lingurite de argila cu sucul stors de la o jumatate de lamaie, se adauga 5 picaturi de extract de propolis si 5 picaturi de ulei de arbore de ceai.
PROPRIETATI : Argila are un efect puternic purificator, detoxifiant si tonifiant, Uleiul de Arbore de Ceai este un foarte bun antiseptic, antimicrobian, antifungic, Propolisul este un veritabil antibiotic natural, are proprietăţi antioxidante este şi un excelent antiinflamator, cicatrizant şi epitelizant, tonic al vaselor capilare şi regenerator al ţesuturilor, iar sucul de lamaie este cel mai bun tratament pentru petele pigmentare cauzate de acnee, toate combinate fac minuni in combaterea si tratarea acneei, recomand sa o aplicati cel putin de 2 ori pe saptamana doar seara deoarece extractul de propolis poate pata, deasemenea este excelenta dupa un tratament cosmetic, in caz de intoleranta la vreunul dintre ingrediente va sfatuiesc sa renuntati la respectivul incredient si sa o preparati fara.
Sper sa va fie utila postarea!
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